30,000 TREES will absorb 4,020 tons of CO2 over 40 years

This initiative aims to restore the land that burned in Mijares (Ávila province) in 2013 by planting 30,000 trees that will absorb 4,020 tons of CO2 over 40 years.
Benefits to the environment

  • Combating deforestation
  • Fostering biodiversity
  • Contribution to the improvement of the water cycle
  • Reducing erosion

A positive impact for the community

  • The creation of jobs locally

Plantation details

  • Planting of the following species in the affected area:
    • Phase 1: Pynus sylvestris (94%) and Betula alba (6%)
    • Phase 2: Pinus sylvestris (80%), Betula alba (10%), Sorbus aucuparia (5%), Taxus baccata (2.5%) and llex aquifolium (2.5%).
  • The planting area covers 17 acres. This is equivalent to a planting density of 5,440 trees per acre.

Registered project
Registered with the MITECO under the name of Reforestation in the Public Utility Mountain No. 13 “El Pinar”, this project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. It is also included in the Special Conservation Area and the Special Protection Area for Birds in the Tiétar Valley.
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