Privacy, data protection and cookies policy

  1. Who is the data controller responsible for processing the personal data?
  2. What personal data do we collect Online, through the App or other channels?
  3. For what purpose and in what lawful capacity do we process Users’ personal data?
  4. For how long we keep Users’ contact data?
  5. To whom may the controller provide Users’ data?
  6. What rights do Users have when they provide us with their personal data?
  7. Additional information

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and other regulations in force on matters relating to Data Protection, ACCIONA ENERGÍA CARBON TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. (hereinafter, ACCIONA); makes the Privacy Policy, which will apply to the processing of personal data, available to all those (hereinafter, “Users”) who, through their interaction with us, provide personal information via the website ((hereinafter, the Website) or its corresponding mobile application (hereinafter, the APP).

Personal data may only be obtained for processing when such data are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained. Users expressly consent to ACCIONA processing the personal data provided by them for the purposes expressed in this Privacy Policy.

ACCIONA adopts the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security of personal data and to prevent the alteration, loss or unauthorised processing of or access to such data, taking into account the state of the art, the nature of the data and the risks to which the data are exposed. You may also confirm the presence of the SSL certificate by checking the Website’s properties in your browser. A connection will be secure when “https://” appears in the browser’s address bar instead of “http://” and a padlock symbol is displayed.

1.Who is the data controller responsible for processing the personal data?


Tax Code: B31907181

Address: Avda. Gran Vía de Hortaleza nº1, 28028, Madrid

Telephone: +34 91 663 2850

Contact email:

2. What personal data do we collect Online, through the APP or other channels?

Personal data are considered to be data that identify persons or that may be used to identify them. Channels through which we can collect personal data:

Website. Sometimes personal data are obtained, indirectly, from the User when they visit our website. The website, in addition to using necessary cookies, may use its own and third-party analytical cookies to learn how our website is used; to evaluate and improve its operation; analyse traffic; personalise content and advertisements; or offer social media functions, only if the User configures it this way and depending on the selection the User makes (see our Cookies Policy)

Mobile APP. Through the APP we can receive the personal data provided directly by the User when downloading and using the APP to register and when using our service.

Upon registration, we can process the following data categories:



Identification and contact data

First name and surname, user ID, email address.

Data relating to the Service provide

Household and mobility habits (energy and fuel consumptions in household and transport)

Geographical data



If to register for our service and to use it, you use the authentication services of a third party based on federated identity, such as those provided by some social networks, we will receive personal data from this third party if you authorize it to share data with us.

Other channels. Users may also receive personal data when they contact the User Service Centre (USC) or the Customer Service Centre (CSC), either by email, phone or through the app, when they request information from us, send requests or complaints, report incidents, etc.

In any event, Users are solely responsible for the veracity and lawfulness of the personal data provided. the user undertakes to notify ACCIONA of any changes that may be made to them, so that they can be updated.

3. For what purpose and in what lawful capacity do we process User’s personal data?




Management of registration as a registered User and account maintenance. Administration and management of the accounts of Users of the service

In these cases, the treatment is necessary for the execution of the contract for the provision of the service and the established legal relationships, this being the basis of legitimacy. In some cases, when responding to requests for information, claims, complaints, etc. the processing of data could be based on the consent of the User

Service management.

Management of collections, payments, defaults, and/or billing of the services provided, including the sending of the invoice to the email address provided.

To attend to and process requests for information, claims, complaints, suggestions, incidents and/or enquiries received.


Other legal obligations of a commercial, taxes, accounting or administrative nature.

In these cases, the treatment is necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation applicable to the person responsible for the treatment; this is the basis of legitimation.


Protect, detect and prevent fraud and other illegal activities, unauthorised transactions, claims or incidents, manage the quality and risks associated with the business.

In these cases, the treatment is necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation applicable to the person responsible for the treatment; this is the basis of legitimation. Likewise, the legitimate interest of the controller legitimises it to carry out such processing, given that its objective is to ensure the proper functioning of the service.

Investigate incidents, illegal activities and potential violations of our terms of service and policies.


In order to optimise our services, we may use the deposit/withdrawal data, disaggregated for statistical purposes, to carry out studies on the use of the service.

In these cases, the legitimate interest is the basis of legitimation.


Receive promotional information on services and products through any channel marketed by ACCIONA Group business. Your data will not be transferred.


In these cases, the legal basis for the processing is the consent to the processing given by the User by ticking the relevant box.

Send you commercial information about our own products or services.

You can object to receiving these communications by unchecking this box in your user profile or by notifying the Controller.

In these cases, it is the maintenance of the contractual and/or commercial relationship and legitimate interest that is the basis for legitimisation.

4. For how long we keep Users’ personal data?

In general, the data will be kept i) for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which the data were collected and ii) blocked, during the applicable limitation periods, if liabilities might be incurred as the result of the processing.


  • The data collected for the purpose of responding to requests or enquiries, will be kept for the time necessary to be able to attend to the same.
  • The data collected based on your consent will be kept for as long as such consent is not withdrawn.
5. To whom may the Controller provide Users’ data?

Depending on the activity performed by the Controller, the following data transfers are provided for, whenever necessary:

  • To financial institutions and/or payment gateways for the management of collections and payments.
  • To Bodies of the Public Administration with competence in matters of communications and the provision of information services, Bodies with competence in tax matters, Bodies with competence in consumer matters to deal with possible claims from users.
  • To other public administrations and/or competent authorities, such as State Law Enforcement Agencies if this is required or necessary and/or is called for by the applicable regulations.
  • To various service providers to perform services on our behalf. In these cases, where necessary, appropriate data processing contracts are concluded in accordance with data protection regulations.

No hay previstas cesiones o transferencias internacionales de datos.

6. What rights do Users have when they provide us with their personal data?

Data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, portability and restriction or objection by writing to the Data Protection Department at Avda. Gran Vía de Hortaleza nº3, 28028 Madrid or, by sending the form available at the link, FORM (when necessary, to be able to identify you, we may request that you provide a copy of your national ID or other identification document).

Likewise, you may at any time withdraw the consent given by writing to the address indicated above, and by complaining to the Supervisory Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency

In addition, specifically for commercial communications, you can configure the consents given, where appropriate, or unsubscribe from them, by accessing your user profile on the APP. Here you can configure your choice, if you accepted at any time, the sending of these types of communications.

You can also unsubscribe from these communications through the opt-out system included in each of the communication of this type that you receive (for example, a link in which you can unsubscribe).

7. Additional information

You can obtain additional information or information that you may find useful on our website at the website,


Any change made to the Privacy Policy and to information management practices will be reflected in a timely manner, with the Data Controller being permitted to add, modify or remove the said Privacy Policy whenever it deems this necessary.

This Privacy Policy is published in Spanish and English; in the case of discrepancy between both versions, the Spanish version will prevail.

Last updated on July 16, 2024