This project aims to restore the land that burned down in the Iruelas Valley (Ávila province) in 2019. How? By planting 20,000 trees in the affected area that will absorb 3,600 tons of CO2 over 40 years. Benefits to the environment:
Positive impact for the community:
This initiative includes a social impact programme that involves planting trees, creating jobs for people in areas at risk of depopulation. This not only generates economic activity, it also supports forest conservation, strengthens the agricultural sector and maintains the productive fabric in rural areas.
Plantation details
Pinus sylvestris [Scots pine] (90%) and Betula alba [birch] (10%) will be planted in the affected area.
Registered project
It is registered in the MITECO (Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge) under the name of Reforestation in the public utility mountain no. 60 “Valle de Iruelas”.
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